“In Him you also trusted, after you heard the Word of Truth, the Gospel of your salvation; in Whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise, Who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.
(Ephesians 1:13-14). Jesus Christ is the Son of God and He rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven on the third day, where He remains at the right hand of God Almighty.
The Bible was written and inspired by God.
We should lift Holy hands in worship.
Tithes and offering should be freely given to your local church. The local church is the place of membership where God has called you to receive His Word on a consistent basis and grow spiritually.
In the indwelling of, and baptism in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.
In divine healing. Divine healing is the restoration of health to those who believe and act on the truths written in God’s Word. We further believe that Jesus is our Healer, and that by His stripes we are already healed.
…”Write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it.” (Habakkuk 2:2)
We, the members of the Cane Creek Baptist Church need a clear vision of the house.
The vision that God has given me, as Pastor is to increase the spiritual level of the Church through the acknowledgement of the power of the Holy Spirit and the increased revelation of the word of God. Why? That we might become “applicators” of the word of God and not just “hearers”. We will increase the spiritual level of the church by accepting what God has already said in his word. Our vision is not to just meet on Sunday, but rather to defeat the power of the devil Monday through Saturday. We want to utilize Sunday to praise and worship God for the victory.
We must change our generation by the Word of God and not by the principles of the world system. We must have the mentality of a warrior. We must get to the most strategic place in the before the enemy. The vision is to be an original and not a copy. Jesus Christ is original, therefore, since we are in Christ let us be original. We must not copy the world system.
The local church should govern (rule) 1 Cor. 12:28. We need our own activity centers, daycares, housing projects, stores, businesses, banks, etc. and allow our revenue to support Christian based organizations. We must support the Kingdom of god and not the Kingdom of Satan. Our vision is to allow the glory of God to shine through the local church that the devil and the world may know that we are not with him, but rather on the Lord’s side.